An Online Branding Course to Help Your Brand Become Influential, Impactful & Profitable

Join our Kingdom Brand-building Course and apply
a six-pillar professional framework to identify, clarify and propel your organization for growth and sustainability.

Establishing a Successful Brand Can Feel Daunting, Challenging and Uninspiring

Without guidance, your brand can easily become lost when confronted with these overwhelming challenges:

Lack of Clarity and Poor Execution of Brand Identity 

Uncertain Business Direction 

Struggling to Integrate Faith-based Principles into Business and Marketing Practices

You Find The Brand Saying Inconsistent Messages

You Feel Stuck in Your Marketing Efforts

You Have a Vision but Don't Know Where to Start

All this can lead to restless nights, unnecessary pressure and worry. We can't let you go through that.

At Masterpiece Kingdom Brands, we have assisted numerous leaders and business owners in clarifying and building a professional brand identity for sustainable brand health. Many have benefited from our course, and you can too.

How To Build A Successful Kingdom Brand

While Staying True to the Calling of God on Your Life and in your Business

Get Access To The Kingdom Branding Course

Learn The 6-pillar Kingdom Brand Compass Framework

Implement & Grow Your Brand

Our Kingdom Branding Course

24 / 7 

access for one whole year

6-Pillar Professional Framework

with Practical modules


VALUE to grow your business 

Meet Your Mentor


is the founder and Chief Creative Officer of Masterpiece Kingdom Brands. Highly skilled in concept creation; commercial art, logo design, graphic design and media production, Norbert has contributed to building the brand presence and social influence of a wide range of organizations, from grassroots non-profits to international giants.

Founding Masterpiece Kingdom Brands because of his advocacy to uphold creative excellence, Norbert now seeks to help build spirit-led Kingdom Brands to impact and influence the world. Husband to Sophie and lives in Berlin, Germany.

Podcast Host: Making A Masterpiece

Norbert has a degree in Fine Arts with a major in Advertising Arts and a diploma on Professional Education.

Learn How To Build A Brand Based On Biblical Principles 

Using the Kingdom Brand Compass, a 6-pillar professional branding framework, developed by Creative Director and International Missionary Norbert Elnar. This practical, step-by-step guide will help you understand and apply the best practices in marketing and branding to your business or organization— all while staying aligned with and true to God’s plan and purpose for you.

 No matter the season, you are sure to discover new ways of thinking and building faith through:

Practical Approach

Our course is designed to help Kingdom Builders understand the connection between their faith and their brand through comprehensive instructional videos, worksheets and live community sessions.

Globally Relevant,
Spirit-led Content

We've developed a branding guide
based on global marketing's best practices combined with Biblical standards and truths.

Kingdom Brands Network

Network with Kingdom Brand Leaders. A powerful and encouraging faith community that will journey with you in this season.

Stop Feeling Stuck and Pursue Your God-Given Dream with Peace and Confidence 

Many of us have incredible visions, but the enormity of the task can leave us paralyzed by fear and doubt. You're not alone. Taking this FREE ONLINE COURSE is the first step towards fulfilling your God-size dream. An opportunity to embark on the incredible journey that awaits you.

Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

Feeing Lost in Your Kingdom Brand? 

Ditch the confusion and embrace clarity.
  • One-on-one Coaching
  • Mastermind Community
  • Marketing and Communication Workshops

Kingdom Brand Leaders Have
A Few Nice Things To Say About Us

"Norbert is brilliant at what he does. Its so clear that he is serving exactly where God wants him as his work has a touch of the Kingdom all over it. I have such a sense of peace when Norbert and his team are working on something for me as I know it will be done with excellence and with a touch of the Holy Spirit."
"Brave by Faith Travel is a testimony of God's faithfulness through the help of Masterpiece Kingdom Brands. Norbert and his team helped us all the way to grow the brand to where it is now. The "Kingdom Brand" mindset is good mix of divine wisdom and creative professionalism."
"Every week I was excited to get stuck in to the next module. These modules are so rich. The framework alone for this course is niche and unique. It's like nothing I've ever seen and experienced before."
"To have someone like Norbert coaching people through that (Framework) and aiding them, is something that I believe is gonna have so much eternal impact in so many different ways." 
He really puts someone else, ahead of himself and truly does this from a place of service and a place of worship...wanting to see, someone else's calling outworked in the best possible way and help them clarify their message and what it is that they're called to do.

Struggling to blend your faith into business growth?

If balancing faith and business feels like a tightrope walk for you, Norbert's conversations with brand leaders on the podcast can help strengthen your faith and inspire your business!
Write your awesome label here.

When your brand lacks clarity, it's like sailing a ship without a compass. 

Confusion puts your audience and team in a tough spot, making it hard to achieve your business goals. Don't let your brand wander aimlessly. Let's bring focus, clarity, and purpose to ensure your brand thrives and represents the Kingdom with excellence.

This course will simplify the process of brand-building, removing confusion and boosting your confidence when showcasing it to the world.


*Billed ANNuaLLY
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