Is Your Brand Ready for The Future?

Your brand's health impacts future success. Take our FREE Brand Assessment Guide to gain insights on how to build a brand that stands out, gains a competitive edge, and creates lasting value for both customers and business.

Write your awesome label here.
  • Get Clarity and Guidance Now!

    Take a quick and honest look at your brand with these questions. Unlock valuable insights in five key areas:
  • Brand Digitalization
  • Brand Online Presence
  • Brand Resilience
  • Customer Experience
  • Brand Culture

How the Assessment Works?

Complete The  Assessment

The 10-minute assessment (35 Questions) helps gauge your brand's future resilience and adaptability.

Get Your Results

We will send you a report so that you can check what your score means and where your brand can grow.

Take Action & Grow

Turn insights into action! Start building your brand by planning to improve the key areas.

Key Areas of Assessment

  Brand Digitalization

Is your brand leveraging technology effectively to reach your audience?

  Brand Online Presence

Does your brand have a clear and compelling online presence that connects with your target audience?

  Brand Resilience

Is your brand prepared to navigate challenges and adapt to changing market conditions?

  Customer Experience

Does your brand prioritize customer satisfaction and build lasting relationships?

  Brand Culture

Do you have the right people and culture in place to support your brand's long-term vision?

Don't fear the future. We'll equip you to navigate any challenge, building a thriving Kingdom Brand fueled by faith and purpose.

- Norbert Elnar

Meet Your Coach

Norbert Elnar

Norbert is the Founder and Chief Creative Officer of Masterpiece Kingdom Brands. Highly skilled in concept creation; commercial art, logo design, graphic design and media production, Norbert has contributed to building the brand presence and social influence of a wide range of organizations, from grassroots non-profits to international giants.

Founding Masterpiece Kingdom Brands because of his advocacy to uphold creative excellence, Norbert now seeks to help build Spirit-led Kingdom Brands to impact and influence the world. Husband to Sophie and lives in Berlin, Germany.

Author of Children's Book: I AM a Masterpiece | Ich bin ein Meisterwerk
Podcast Host: Making A Masterpiece

Norbert has a degree in Fine Arts with a major in Advertising Arts and a diploma in Professional Education.
Patrick Jones - Course author
Write your awesome label here.

Your Roadmap for Building a Stronger Brand

  • Identify areas where your brand can improve.
  • Gain actionable steps to strengthen your brand's foundation.
  • Set yourself on a path for long-term success.
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