Norbert Elnar

Thriving in Transition: Surviving Seasons of Uncertainty

Have you ever felt the burden of being in a space wherein you just don’t know what to do or where to go? You’ve been working so hard and trying to tick all the boxes of what it takes to be successful as defined by the norm yet you still feel restless. Or maybe you’ve been really diligent in life (#controlfreakmode) but it seems that the risks of uncertainty for the future continues to increase and you can't seem to control it. I believe that's how it feels when you are in transition. Transition is a funny season where excitement meets the uncertain. It doesn't mean you’re in trouble but it can be tricky when you are not careful in navigating through it.

After an intense two year church internship in South Africa, I'm back to the pacific shores for at least this season. Coming home was a mix of excitement and apprehension. I was excited to see my loved ones and share with them the wonderful things God did. I was also apprehensive inside in respect to what holds for me after the overhaul that my life went through. In my head, it looked easy to transition back into to the uncertain normality of things. I was wrong.

Over the last few months I’ve been doing my best to live a life beyond the normal. I didn't expect that in this season of transition, I found myself thriving in the most unexpected events God has prepared for me.

Allow me to share some thoughts of how to thrive in seasons of transition. I pray that as you read along you will find some clues on how to survive seasons of uncertainty.

Rediscover your Passion

My exposure and experience in South Africa was very varied. I got the opportunity to do mission work for homeless people, vulnerable children and challenged communities. God broke my heart for the most parts of the church. But in coming home, I saw a different need. Again, God broke my heart and rekindled my love for youth ministry.

“Millennials” as what society labels these young lives; they’ve been really under a lot of pressure and negative impressions. With the influence of social media and the wild consumer-driven world this generation has grown into, it feels like it's very difficult to understand and relate to them. I found this idea very bothering. I can’t accept that ideology. I believe that God has a special anointing for this generation and as leaders it is our responsibility to point them into the right direction.

Together with our amazing youth leaders and the support of our church pastors and elders, we had the privilege of leading a team to relaunch a somewhat called “evangelistic rally” back in the days. “Ablaze” a worship experience was born to give an opportunity for young people to encounter God through modern Christian music and powerful preaching. It was amazing to witness a dream come into fruition and be multiplied by God like no other. Ablaze was used by God to bless churches in 3 major cities in 3 different islands of the Philippines.

When you rediscover your passion you allow God to move through you to achieve his greater purpose. Looking back, I am in awe of the favor that God has blessed me and the team in being part of the bigger picture. It was amazing to witness the Holy Spirit work miracles like the ones mentioned in the book of acts. It wasn't a easy journey but it was very a humbling and an incredible experience.

Rest and Relax

The God of the universe surely created a world not only for us to live but also enjoy. In the season of waiting and transition, I found myself exploring the beauty of my own country. I've been traveling to many countries in the previous years but I never thought that gold is just in the backyard.

In transition, you can get so caught up in focusing on where to go next that you completely miss the wonder of your current space. Resting and relaxing is very essential to every season. I believe it's God’s way reminding us to intentionally see the favor of his grace and marvel in His creation. Aren’t you glad we serve a God like that?

Go ahead, do something new and fun! Explore new places and eat awesome healthy food! Even Jesus knew how to find solace in the middle of his busy ministry life.

Renew Your Mind and Heart

When your mind is clouded with a lot of concerns in life, it is not far that your vision of what God has for you gets clouded too. We become impatient in a season of waiting. We can get easily frustrated. We can easily get discouraged.

That is why it is important to renew your mind and heart especially when you know you are going through spiritual dryness. It's your way to reassess what God has laid in your heart so that you can think and act clearly. Pray on your knees, seek scripture and encourage others. You will be amazed how God can speak into your situation in a very specific manner.

I realized that when I focus on God’s favor at hand more than the frustration of the season, I see my perspective change and I feel that my heart is closer to God. Focus on the favor not the frustration.

Last May, I had the honor to lead our homegrown local church youth camp called “Kainos”. Kainos is the Greek word for newness. It was during this camp that the Holy Spirit revealed to me through the lives of the young leaders how important it is to constantly check my heart and be sure that I am in tuned with the will of the Father. The challenge of making spiritual things matter to the real lives of these young legends wasn't easy at all. But because of the work of the Holy Spirit we’ve seen how He has captured and transformed the hearts and minds of the youth.

Reconnect with God

Visa applications are very challenging and never boring. I don’t find it the most exciting thing to do either. I often end up learning loads of new things while I'm in the middle of the application process. When the struggle gets real, you feel a mixture of anxiety, stress, worry, and fear; similar to what we often feel in the middle of transition.

It reminded me of the scripture found in the book of Psalms that says;

“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”- Psalm 23:4 (NIV)

In any season of life, most especially in transition, we have to be desperate for God. As we walk through the darkest valley of decisions, challenges, and change there is assurance of God’s presence and guidance.

I believe that God will direct my steps into the next season. I believe that He has greater plans beyond our imagination. He is bigger than any visa application and His love is beyond continental borders and cannot be measured.

Trust in His perfect will in His perfect time. He is always on time. God is never late.

By trusting completely in God, we can thrive in transition.

Official Article Photos by Gladys Gil Areopagita | Event Photos Contributed
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